Arrange the following steps to solve the equation

Questions and solutions
Nahed3 Feb 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Arrange the following steps to solve the equation

The answer is:

  • We add XNUMX to both sides.
  • We multiply both sides by XNUMX.
  • We subtract XNUMX from both sides.
Arranging the next steps to solve an equation is an important part of mathematics, especially in the Saudi curriculum. In this lesson, students are taught to solve the equation mentally, as well as learn how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide on both sides of the equation. The process begins by multiplying both sides of the equation by 5 and then adding 4 to both sides. Finally, they have to subtract 3 from both sides to arrive at the solution. This equation solving process is essential to gain a good understanding of mathematics and allow students to apply their knowledge in practice.
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