Which of the following fungal phyla have flagellate spores

Omnia Magdy
Questions and solutions
Omnia Magdy29 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Which of the following fungal phyla have flagellate spores?

The answer is: Cystic fungi (mixed viscous).

Sac fungi, mixed saprophytic fungi, and incomplete fungi are three fungal phyla that have flagellar spores. Propionibacterium fungi are multicellular organisms that can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Mixed slime fungi have a unique spore type covered by a sticky coating. Incomplete fungi are isolates whose mode of reproduction is unknown. All of these fungal phyla have flagellar spores, which are reproductive structures that have one or multiple flagella for locomotion. Flagellate spores are important to the survival of species because they can spread over vast distances in search of a suitable environment for growth.

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