What distinguishes the eclipse prayer from other prayers

my ahmed
Questions and solutions
my ahmed26 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

What distinguishes the eclipse prayer from other prayers

The answer is: A reminder to the servants of the Day of Resurrection and the power of God Almighty.

What distinguishes the eclipse prayer from others is that it is a reminder to the worshipers of the Day of Resurrection and the power of God Almighty. The most prominent thing that distinguishes the eclipse prayer from the eclipse prayer is that it is performed in each rak’ah with two bows. It is two rak'ahs, each of which contains two standing, two recitations, two rak'ahs, and two prostrations. This type of prayer is a temporary effective prayer due to a solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse, and it is called the eclipse prayer or the eclipse prayer. The purpose of this prayer is to remind believers of the power and greatness of God, and to awaken hope for the Day of Resurrection in a spirit of humility and submission.

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