The role of the family and the school in maintaining security

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed14 Feb 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The role of the family and the school in maintaining security

The answer is:

Educating children from an early age on what the homeland is, his obligations towards it, what is his relationship to the homeland, and how to perform his duties towards it, as well as introducing him to his rights in the homeland and how to obtain them.،

Family and school play an important role in maintaining security in the homeland. They are responsible for educating individuals from a young age about their duties and rights, as well as teaching them peaceful methods to demand these rights. By establishing a positive relationship between family and school, psychological and educational problems can be solved. The family and school also help spread security by teaching citizens their role in maintaining it. This includes explaining the meaning and value of homeland and instilling values ​​such as respect for others of different races and genders. With the right upbringing, individuals will grow into responsible citizens who understand their place in society, helping to ensure a safe homeland.

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