The holder of the current ID number does not have a national identity or independent residence.

Omnia Magdy
Questions and solutions
Omnia Magdy7 Feb 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The holder of the current ID number does not have a national identity or an independent residence?

The answer is: A national identity or independent residence is required; Because that is one of the conditions for registering as a new user.

The current ID number holder does not have a national identity or independent residence, as evidenced by the service provided by the Ministry of Interior’s Civil Status Agency. This means that no fingerprint has been registered in the system, and no personal identification card has been issued yet. This is also reflected in the Absher website, which requires information such as ID number, email address and mobile phone number in order to provide services. Furthermore, when opening an account with a bank, a contract called the “Account Opening Agreement” must be signed between the bank and the account holder. This agreement also requires proof of national identity or residency before completing the account opening process. Obviously, due to the lack of national identity or independent residence, this process cannot be completed.

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