The reason the farmer and his wife are rich is that they own

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed14 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The reason the farmer and his wife are rich is that they own

The answer is:

  • The strange chicken.

    Ownership of land and property is one of the primary factors in determining wealth and poverty. In the case of the farmer and his wife, the reason for their wealth is that they own their own land and animals. They invest in their land and work to increase their crops. They also own poultry that produce eggs, which constitute an additional source of income for them. When a person works to exploit the wealth he possesses in a correct and intelligent way, he will find himself rich and prosperous. Therefore, the wish of every individual is to own something that will make him wealthy, and thus enable him to achieve his goals and dreams in life.

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