Citizen duties in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed14 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

One of the duties of a citizen in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The answer is:  Honesty and honesty. liability obligation. Pride in the country and its heritage. Community participation

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the citizens’ bearing of responsibility and duties is a fundamental matter that extends to all aspects of life. Citizens must maintain and improve the country's facilities and keep them clean and sound. They are also required to abide by laws, regulations, and regulations, and to deal with courtesy and respect with the royal family, the government, and their fellow members of society. They should also unite efforts with the society in which they live and promote unity, fraternity, cooperation and solidarity. In this way, the safety and well-being of the nation will be preserved and its prestige in the international community will be preserved.

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