The chemical name for AlCl3 is aluminum trichloride

Nora Hashem
Questions and solutions
Nora Hashem29 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The chemical name for AlCl3 is aluminum trichloride

The answer is: right.

Aluminum trichloride, also known by its chemical formula AlCl3, is a chemical compound that has a wide range of uses. It exists in two different forms: anhydrous (without water) and hexahydrous. Aluminum trichloride is used in industrial processes such as petroleum refining and pharmaceutical production, as well as in some consumer products such as cosmetics and cleaning products. Its primary benefit is its ability to act as a catalyst in organic reactions, meaning it can speed up chemical reactions without consuming itself. Aluminum trichloride is a versatile compound widely used in both industrial and consumer contexts, and its chemical name is aluminum trichloride.
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