The aim of training in punctuation and writing conventions

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed27 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

The aim of training on punctuation and writing conventions is to employ them in Arabic lessons only

The answer is: Wrong

The goal of training on punctuation and writing conventions is to enhance writing skills and develop the student’s abilities to use correct grammar and apply the basic foundations of writing in Arabic. The training aims to improve students' abilities to use punctuation marks correctly, by practicing the use of the necessary marks for sentences, various connectives, and commas in Arabic writing. With training on writing conventions, it includes essential materials for improving Arabic writing skills at all academic levels, including identifying common errors in writing and improving students' abilities to analyze sentences accurately and use them correctly and smoothly. Through training, the student can learn how to use the Arabic language correctly and spot common errors, thus improving the quality of the texts he writes.

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