. The Empty Quarter is home to ancient civilizations

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed5 Feb 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

. The Empty Quarter is home to ancient civilizations

The answer is: The phrase is correct.

The Empty Quarter is a vast desert located in the southern third of Saudi Arabia and is home to some of the oldest civilizations in the world. The area, known as the Empty Quarter, or “Empty Quarter,” was once a vital center for these ancient cultures, although today much of it is covered in sand. Archaeological discoveries have revealed that these civilizations left behind many artifacts and structures that are now buried under the sand. These artefacts and structures are believed to date back thousands of years, providing a fascinating look into the past. Despite its arid conditions and lack of vegetation, the Empty Quarter remains an important site for researchers and archaeologists keen to uncover more secrets about these ancient cultures.

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