A tea drink can be used to distinguish an acid from a base

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed27 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

A tea drink can be used to distinguish an acid from a base

The answer is: right

A tea drink can be used to distinguish an acid from a base, as a tea solution is a natural detector of acids and bases. It can be used as a source of acidic or basic hydrogen ions produced in the dissolution reaction. The effect begins when tea is added to an acid or base, as it contains tannin acid that can react with the acidic or basic hydrogen ions secreted, to change the acidity and basicity of the solution. Thus, tea can be used as a code to determine the type of acid or base. It is simple, safe to use, and reliable in practical cases. Therefore, it is considered one of the ideal options for distinguishing acid from base, in addition to its great health and cultural benefits.

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