Surat Al-Hajj was given this name as a reference to this great ritual

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed3 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Surat Al-Hajj was given this name as a reference to this great ritual

The answer is: right  

Surat Al-Hajj was given this name due to the importance of these great rituals in Islam, as God Almighty created in it a way for Muslims to draw closer to their Lord, demonstrate their oneness and strength, and attain the status of pilgrims and pilgrims. Hence, this Surah contains direct evidence and references to the importance of this great ritual, within a complete biblical text that stresses and carries verses on the shoulders of Muslims due to their close relationship with this religion, its values, and its message. This Surah distinctly reflects the rituals of Hajj, from the Tawaf of Coming to the Tawaf of Farewell, thereby emphasizing the importance of adhering to these religious rituals and enhancing the spirit of brotherhood and solidarity among Muslims.

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