Interpretation of seeing a strange man chasing me in a dream by Ibn Sirin

Stalking from an unknown person

Seeing a strange man chasing me in a dream

  • Seeing a strange man chasing you and you feeling scared in a dream symbolizes that everyone around the dreamer envies him for what he has and wishes for the blessings to disappear from his life.
  • When a person sees a man he does not know chasing you and you run away from him in a dream, this is evidence that he is irresponsible and does not perform his duties properly, and he must change that.
  • Seeing a strange man chasing him and wanting to kill him in a dream indicates that he will be involved in a major calamity that will expose him to many dangers.
  • If a woman sees an unknown man chasing her and loving her in a dream, this indicates that he feels helpless because of his failure to do what he is charged with.
  • If a woman sees an unknown person walking behind her in a dream, this indicates that she feels fear and tension all the time. If a woman sees a strange man chasing her in a car in a dream, this indicates that her living and financial situation will deteriorate due to something that will happen to her.

Stalking from an unknown person

A vision of someone holding a knife chasing a single woman

  • When a girl sees a person holding a knife and trying to catch up with her in a dream, this is evidence that this man will reveal many truths to her soon.
  • If a girl sees a man chasing her and holding a knife in his hand in a dream, this is a sign of a health crisis that the girl will be exposed to and that will affect her life for a period of time.
  • If a girl sees a person she does not know chasing her and holding a knife in his hand, but she manages to escape in the dream, this indicates that she will get to know someone and enter into a relationship with him, but it will soon end because he is not suitable for her.

Interpretation of a dream about someone chasing me and wanting to kill me for a pregnant woman

  • Seeing a pregnant woman running away from a man trying to kill her in a dream indicates that she will overcome many difficulties and crises that plagued her life in the past.
  • When a pregnant woman sees someone chasing her and trying to kill her in a dream, this is evidence that she is suffering from some financial crises that may cause her a problem and prevent her from buying her child’s basic needs.
  • When a pregnant woman sees someone chasing her in a dream, but she is slow and unable to get rid of him, this is evidence of the fatigue and hardship that she will feel due to her pregnancy, which will make her feel upset.

Interpretation of a dream about a tall person chasing me for a single woman 

  • Seeing a tall person chasing a girl in a dream indicates goodness and abundant sustenance that will be her lot.
  • When a girl sees a tall black person chasing her in a dream, this indicates that there is a person in her life who is trying to get her into trouble because of his hatred and malice towards her.
  • Seeing a tall man in a girl’s dream symbolizes the comfort, reassurance, and happiness that she will live in in the coming years.
  • If a woman sees in her dream a tall man chasing her, this indicates happy and comfortable changes that will gradually occur in her circumstances.
  • If a girl sees a tall person she does not know chasing her in a dream, this indicates that someone is lying in wait for her and following her everywhere to harm her, so she must be careful.
  • A tall, handsome man chasing a girl in a dream indicates that God has guaranteed her protection. The vision also means the honor and prestigious position that she will soon attain in her community, making everyone appreciate and respect her.

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