Putting something in its wrong place is the answer required. one choice.

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed8 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Putting something in its wrong place is the answer required. one choice.

The answer is: injustice

When something is placed in a position other than it should be, a lot of problems can occur. The item may become unsuitable for use, or may be permanently damaged. This is what is known as injustice, where the right to something is violated and placed in a place that does not belong to it. Everyone must respect the rights of things, and ensure that they are placed in their correct places. Injustice not only harms things but also causes harm or damage to others. Therefore, we must all take care to put everything in the right place, and prevent any attempt to infringe on the rights of things and individuals.

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