My experience with Surat Al-Sharh

Nora Hashem
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Nora HashemProofreader: admin26 Feb 2023Last update: 11 months ago

The beautiful and good meanings are evident in all the verses of the Holy Qur’an, and the Lord, the Almighty, placed many secrets in the Holy Qur’an, which scholars are still in the midst of interpreting to this day. Its distinctive … so follow us

My experience with Surat Al-Sharh
My experience with Surat Al-Sharh

 The virtue and importance of Surat Al-Sharh in daily life

The verses of the Holy Qur’an have a great virtue for people, and they contain blessings and gladness of the breasts, and they reinforce good meanings in the human soul and motivate it to go to heaven and to stay away from what angers God, and we will talk in detail in the following article about Surat Al-Sharh specifically.

Surah Al-Sharh is one of the suras of the thirtieth part of the Noble Qur’an. It is one of the Meccan surahs, and it contains good meanings and connotations, including the success and help that God destined for the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and the Lord stressed in the verses of Surat Al-Sharh the coming ease after hardship inevitably.

Surat Al-Sharh has a great virtue for people, including relieving worry, fulfilling needs, and sensing the ability of God Almighty to prevent injustice and restore rights to the oppressed, just as reading the surah and meditating on its meanings makes the reader feel reassured and think well of God in all matters, and certainly he will not return empty-handed.

My experience in seeking marriage and the impact of Surat Al-Sharh on it

There are many experiences that a number of girls went through regarding the influence of Surat Al-Sharh on them and the facilitation of marriage. Among the experiences that occurred in this context are the following:

  • “I was suffering from the late age of my marriage, and the lack of progress in my engagement, and I had passed the age of 35 years, and those of my age had married and had children, and I had not yet married.
    This issue affected my psyche, and I became depressed, and I resorted to God Almighty and kept praying to Him day and night, and one time I was listening to one of the sheikhs, who said that Surat Al-Inshirah brings sustenance in everything, including marriage.
    Hence, I decided to start my experience with Surat Al-Sharh, and I repeated reading the surah every night nearly 100 times, especially on Friday. I repeated the surah 313 times, and I prayed for forgiveness and prayed for the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and my tongue continued praying to God Almighty to grant me a good husband.
    I also used this supplication (Oh God, explain to me the breasts of the sons or daughters of Adam and Eve, O God, grant me from them the righteous man whom you love and are pleased with, then you pray upon the Prophet and say three times, may God bless him and grant him peace).
    Not a month has passed since I persevered in this way, but he proposed to a righteous person, and I completed the marriage, and through my experience with Surat Al-Sharh, I advise every girl who wants to get married to continue reading Surat Al-Sharh, seeking forgiveness, supplication, and praying for the Prophet.”

The spiritual benefits of Surat Al-Sharh

Surah Al-Sharh is one of the Meccan surahs, which carries with it a number of spiritual virtues and great meanings that God will open your heart to when reading and meditating on it.

  • Feeling of peace and calm.
  • Move from around you and your strength to about God and his strength.
  • Trust in the Lord in every difficult matter.
  • Self-expression of sadness and worry.
  • Recognizing that everything is by God's command is good and bad.
  • Consolidate the meanings of contentment and contentment in oneself.
  • Ithijh breasts and the introduction of pleasure them.
  • It also brings good things, especially facilitating marriage by God's command.

The secrets of Surat Al-Sharh and the positive impact it leaves on the soul

Surah Al-Sharh is one of the short surahs in the Holy Qur’an, whose verses amount to 8 verses, and its order among the surahs of the Qur’an is No. 94, and it has many spiritual values ​​that God has bestowed upon it. .

The virtuous Prophet documented the virtue of Surat Al-Sharh after the Surah was revealed to him, saying, “Rejoice, mankind has come to you.” In the report, it was said that a man came to a Muslim people and asked them some verses of the Qur’an that relieve him of the affliction and ease his chest. May God bless him.

Interpretation of Surat Al-Sharh by Sheikh Al-Shaarawi

Many of the interpretations mentioned in Surat Al-Sharh came, including those that were clarified by Imam Al-Shaarawi. Among the purposes of the verses of Surat Al-Sharh, which the Imam worked hard to achieve, are the following:

  • The feeling of relief and tranquility that the troubles that one suffers from will go away by God’s command.
  • This surah shows the incident of splitting the chest of the Messenger at a young age, before the revelation came to him.
  • Surat Al-Sharh explains that for every hardship there is an end and for every ease there is a near arrival by God’s command.
  • Encourage striving and diligence in obtaining livelihood, and God will grant from His bounty to whom He wills.
  • The Lord also addressed His Holy Messenger in it to be patient with the troubles he is going through while calling to God.

The importance of reading Surat Al-Sharh to facilitate marriage

Reading Surat Al-Sharh has more than one benefit that can accrue to the Muslim, but there are no confirmed hadiths about the relationship of Surat Al-Sharh and the facilitation of marriage. It was said that reading it on Friday gives the reader a share of the virtues that lie in it.

Purifying the heart and clothes and directing the intention to God in order to be rid of worries are the most important steps that a Muslim must take on Friday. Repeating the recitation of Surat Al-Sharh will be among the good things that you do for yourself, and the Lord Almighty will respond with His will and in the best way for one.

The number of times to read Surat Al-Sharh to get its full benefit

Repetition of Surat Al-Sharh carries for the Muslim a set of virtues and good benefits that change his life, and among the benefits of Surat Al-Sharh is relieving worry, bringing livelihood and hearing good news.

There is no confirmation of the number of times Surah Al-Sharh is repeated during the day, but if it becomes part of your daily response by God’s command, you will see the wonders of the Lord’s ability in all matters of your life, and relief and facilitation will be with you, God willing.

The rule of the aspirant praying for marriage on Friday night is two rak'ahs and reading Surat Al-Sharh

Praying and reading what is easy from the Qur’an with the intention of fulfilling one’s needs is desirable and the ruling on it is (permissible), but adhering to a specific number or a specific day to do so is not mentioned in the Qur’an or the Sunnah of the Prophet, nor is the effect either.

Reading Surat Al-Sharh in general and understanding the meanings and symbols that the verses refer to are among the good things that add to the Muslim’s soul the peace and tranquility that all his affairs are in the hands of God alone, and with hardship he will be pleased with the will of the Lord.

Stories and personal experiences about the virtue of Surat Al-Sharh in their lives

People's special experiences thanks to Surat Al-Sharh and the impact of reading it on their lives are many, and in order to feel with us the great merit that happened to these people, we present to you some of their realistic experiences with Surat Al-Sharh in the following:

  • “Everyone was bullying her for being late in getting married, but she was steadfast, hiding her tears and weakness from everyone. Rather, their words only made her stronger in front of them, and behind them, she would rush to the Book of God and prayer, as she found in them her only refuge from a world filled with black hearts. She found great comfort in Surat Al-Sharh (Have We not expanded your breast for you, and removed from you your burden, which has burdened your back, and raised above you your mind? Indeed, with hardship there is ease. Indeed, with hardship there is ease. “So, when you have finished, then focus, and to your Lord, then seek.” She used to recite it and pray with it a lot, because of what she found in it. She felt relief with all her senses.

    May God bless her mind after a short period of time, so he came to her from where she does not expect, and provided her with a good husband, and good people like her family. Good offspring, and as soon as the girl knew of her pregnancy, it was as if the world had come to her with what she had.”

  • “There was a man who owned 3 warehouses, but unfortunately for him the three warehouses were completely closed, and when he tried to open them again, he did not succeed in the matter. An issue occurs that prevents opening warehouses.

    And one day, when the matter became difficult for him and the doors did not open in his face, he was in the Friday prayer and listened to the entire sermon of the preacher, and the preacher was talking about realistic stories about the virtue of Surat Al-Sharh. Before entering his office, he must read a surah
    Rejoice and seek forgiveness a lot, and he will find a solution to this problem.

    Indeed, the man did everything he told him, and the miracle happened at the time, and he told Al-Khatib that the thing that surprised him the most was that when the specialist asked him to extract statements the average of which was more than 250 thousand pounds, so he felt sad and distressed, then the specialist said about his financial condition, and he found the specialist asking himself with astonishment “And whoever asked you to attend these statements,” and the man swore that the specialist asked him to do so, but God turns hearts and eyes.

The effect of Surat Al-Sharh on radical positive change in life

Work can be done to improve the quality of life and a person's sense of his self-esteem and bring about many positive changes in life by resorting to God and working to mention Him in everything because this supports the person and directs him to the feeling of the greatness of the Lord and God's success.

Surah Al-Sharh is one of the short Quranic surahs that you can include in your daily roses, and you will see, God willing, how you will change your condition for the better, and the Most Gracious will give you what is good and real benefit for you, and this is the summary of many personal experiences with the virtues of Surat Al-Sharh.

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