Istikharah: Asking God Almighty and turning to Him to remove distress and anguish

Mostafa Ahmed
Questions and solutions
Mostafa Ahmed2 March 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Istikharah: Asking God Almighty and turning to Him to remove distress and anguish

The answer is: Mayday

Istikhara is a highly recommended act of worship in Islamic law. It is a way to seek help from God Almighty and turn to Him to remove distress and distress. Istikhara involves making a sincere request to God for guidance, with the intention of following His will even if it differs from what one desires. It is believed that through Istikhara, God can assist in making decisions by granting inner peace, clarity of mind, and insight into the situation at hand. It is also believed that Istikhara can help increase people's dependence on God, as well as strengthen their faith in Him.

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