Geography is everything related to the Earth and its formation.

Nora Hashem
Questions and solutions
Nora Hashem2 Feb 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Geography is all about the Earth and its formation.

Geography is everything related to the earth and its formation, which is what happens on its surface of natural and human phenomena, and what happens between them in terms of interaction?

The answer is: right

Geography is a science that deals with the study of everything related to the Earth and its composition. It includes the study of places and the relationships between them, in addition to the physical features of the Earth's surface, such as its topography, climate, and ecosystems. Geography is also concerned with understanding how human activities impact the environment, and how these impacts can be managed in a sustainable way. Through geography, one can gain insight into how humans interact with their environment and how we can create a better world for everyone. Geography helps us understand our world better and make better decisions about our future.

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