Evaluate how the physical properties of the fourth period elements change as the atomic number increases

my ahmed
Questions and solutions
my ahmed8 Feb 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Evaluate how the physical properties of the fourth period elements change as the atomic number increases

The answer is: It decreases directly with increasing atomic number.

It is clear that the physical properties of fourth period elements change with increasing atomic number. As the atomic number increases, the elements from Group I to Group XIII are metals, while the elements from Groups 14 and 15 are metalloids. The elements in group 16 are solid, group 17 is liquid, and group 18 is gas. This shows that the physical properties of these elements change depending on the atomic number. It is also important to note that as the atomic number increases, the metallic property decreases. This phenomenon can be observed in all four periods of the periodic table.

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