Choose words that contain a hamza cut off

my ahmed
Questions and solutions
my ahmed15 Feb 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Choose words that contain a hamza cut off

The answer is: Take - come - honor - hope - nation - if - my brother - except - Omaima - or - to - if - accept - issue - individuals - bodies - sounds - signs.

Choosing words that contain the hamza syllable is a difficult task, but it can help you improve your language skills. A hamza is a type of consonant sound and can be used in certain situations to emphasize speech. The wasl hamza is the most common way of using the hamza maqsat and can be found in many present tense verbs and nouns. To pronounce these words correctly along with the word hamzat al-wasl, you have to start the word with the vowel sound and then end it with the next letter. It is important to remember that when using a hamza, it should not be done at the beginning of a word, as this can completely change its meaning. With practice and dedication, you can learn how to use this voice correctly in everyday conversation.

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