Choose the passive verb from the following words:

Mostafa Ahmed
Interpretation of dreams
Mostafa Ahmed21 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Choose the passive verb from the following words:

The answer is: Seen, Asked, Moved, Blessed. 

The passive verb in the sentence “Welcome again, male and female students searching for a question: Choose the correct answer” is “welcome.” The verb “welcome” is in the passive voice because it does not name the subject. It is used to express an action performed for the subject rather than the subject. The passive form of a verb is used when the subject is unknown or when the focus is on the verb itself and not the subject.

The verb “solve” in the phrase “solve a question” is a passive verb. This is because the person performing the action is unidentified and unknown. Passive verbs are used to indicate that an action has been completed without naming the subject. Other examples of passive verbs include “seen,” “wanted,” and “moved.” Education is also a passive verb as it can be used to refer to the process of acquiring knowledge without specifying who is doing the learning.

Answer: It is considered. Education is an important part of human life and it is essential to understand and learn the basics of any subject or subject. The verb used in this sentence is in the passive voice, because it does not name the subject of the verb thinking about education. It simply states that education is viewed without specifying who does the thinking.

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