Body temperature can be measured with the electronic scale by:

my ahmed
Questions and solutions
my ahmed31 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Body temperature can be measured with the electronic scale by:

The answer is: Electronic temperature sensors.

Measuring body temperature with an electronic thermometer is a convenient and accurate way to monitor changes in a person's health. It is important to use a reliable, easy-to-use device designed to accurately measure and record body temperature. Using an electronic thermometer to measure body temperature can help determine when a person is sick and can help monitor the progress of any treatment. The device can be used to measure oral and armpit temperatures, making it suitable for both adults and children. To take a temperature reading, the user first turns on the digital thermometer and places the thermometer in the correct position. The thermometer will then record the body temperature and display the result. This method of measuring body temperature is much faster, more accurate and more reliable than traditional methods such as mercury thermometers.

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