List the stages of metamorphosis in a frog

Omnia Magdy
Questions and solutions
Omnia Magdy23 Jan 2023Last update: XNUMX year ago

Rank the stages of metamorphosis in the frog?

The answer is: The eggs hatch and Abu Thuniba comes out and lives in the water and uses the gills to breathe, then the legs grow and the tail atrophies and becomes an adult frog that moves to land and uses the skin and lungs to breathe.

The frog's life cycle is divided into three distinct stages: the egg stage, the larval stage, and the adult stage. The egg stage begins when the female frog lays her eggs in a water source. The eggs hatch and the frog emerges and lives in the water and breathes with gills. Then the legs grow and the tail atrophies while the frog moves to the ground and breathes with its skin and lungs. Adulthood is when a frog reaches maturity and is ready to mate. This marks the end of the frog's life cycle, although some species have longer lifespans.

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