Does vinegar reduce heat?
Apple cider vinegar is considered one of the natural alternatives used to reduce body temperature, especially in children. This vinegar contains acids that absorb heat from the body, which helps in reducing it. Apple cider vinegar also provides a group of necessary minerals that help the body compensate for what it loses during periods of fever. In addition, this vinegar is known for its beauty benefits for hair and skin care.
As for fever, it is usually a harmless phenomenon that can go away on its own within three days. Fever is a defense mechanism that the body uses to fight infection, as it increases its temperature to eliminate attacking germs.
However, a pediatrician should be consulted in certain cases, such as: the child’s temperature rises to more than 40 degrees Celsius, the fever persists for more than three days, or if the child with fever is under three months of age. If the child is moving and playing normally and staying hydrated, there may not be an urgent need to treat the fever.
What are the steps to make vinegar compresses to treat fever?
To lower a child's temperature using vinegar, you can follow the following method in detail:
First, bring a tablespoon of white vinegar, or half a cup of apple cider vinegar. Then add a cup of lukewarm water to it. Next, choose long, clean wool socks. Mix the vinegar with water well. Submerge the socks in this solution until they are completely saturated.
Use socks moistened with a mixture of vinegar and water to reduce the child's temperature. Put the child on socks and raise them until they reach the area below the knee. This method effectively withdraws heat from the child's body.
If you do not notice a decrease in temperature after 45 minutes, change the socks and repeat the process as necessary. Continue to apply these steps on a regular basis until you get the desired result in reducing your child's temperature.
Possible side effects of using vinegar
To treat fever using apple cider vinegar, you should prepare a solution by mixing vinegar with water, because using vinegar directly may cause irritation or burns to the skin. In addition, apple cider vinegar may cause allergic reactions in some individuals, such as a rash or itching. If these symptoms appear, you must immediately remove the compresses dipped in vinegar and stop using them, and it is necessary to consult a doctor to advise on the appropriate steps to deal with the allergy.
Complications of high temperatures in children
When a sudden rise in the child’s body temperature occurs, he may experience a bout of thermal convulsions, characterized by stiffness and trembling in the body’s extremities, and a fixed gaze upward. These convulsions last for an approximate period of up to fifteen minutes. If the time exceeds this limit, you must quickly seek medical assistance to avoid further risks.
As for meningitis, it is a serious bacterial infection that can result from a high temperature. The infected person suffers from a severe headache, stiffness in the neck and back, vomiting and loss of consciousness, in addition to the appearance of a skin rash. These symptoms worsen to include delirium and inability to move, and may cause the patient to enter a coma as a result of the intense pressure on the body.
Mistakes mothers make when dealing with temperatures
1- Pour excessive water on the child, without taking into account the possible negative effects on his health.
2- Limit the use of lukewarm water and avoid using ice cubes.
3- Applying vinegar or alcohol to the child may lead to skin irritation or sensitivity.
4- Place the child directly under the stream of water from the shower.
As a result of neglecting high temperatures:
1- Young children may experience convulsions as a result of a sudden increase in their body temperature.
2- Excessive loss of fluids from the body leads to dehydration.
3- An increase in heart rate may occur.
Precautions for using antipyretics
It is necessary to avoid using medications that contain diclofenac sodium as a fever reducer, especially for children who may suffer from a lack of fluids in their bodies, due to what it may cause problems with kidney function.
It is recommended to choose paracetamol as an alternative to reduce temperature because it helps relieve pain and reduces high temperature effectively.
If the child's temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, or the high temperature persists for more than three days, or the child suffers from chronic health conditions, it is of utmost importance to quickly seek help from a doctor to obtain the necessary care.
What other methods can be followed to lower a child's temperature?
Here are some natural ways to help you reduce your child's fever:
First, ensuring that the child is consuming plenty of fluids is essential. Drinking plenty of fluids, such as water and homemade soup, helps replace the fluids and minerals that the body loses through sweat due to fever.
Secondly, loosening the baby's clothing can release excess heat from the body and thus gradually cool the baby.
Third, using warm water in the shower helps reduce the temperature evenly instead of using cold water, which may cause shock to the body and increase the temperature.
Fourth, eating a mixture of milk with turmeric has a positive effect in enhancing the functioning of the immune system and contributes to lowering temperatures, as you can mix a spoonful of turmeric with a cup of milk.
Fifthly, prepare a drink from grape juice mixed with cumin and fennel, which gives the drink properties that help reduce fever. Half a spoonful of cumin and fennel are added to the grape juice.
Sixth, drinking water mixed with coriander can contribute to reducing body temperature. This drink can be prepared by adding a spoonful of coriander to a cup of water and mixing them well. It is preferable to drink it two to three times a day.