Headaches in pregnant women and fetal gender

Headaches in pregnant women and fetal gender

Headaches in pregnant women and fetal gender

There are many common beliefs about determining the sex of the fetus based on pregnancy symptoms and physical changes in the pregnant woman. Here are some of these beliefs:

It is believed that the presence of a severe headache in a pregnant woman may indicate that she is pregnant with a boy, while the absence of a headache may indicate that the fetus is female.
Symptoms such as morning sickness during the first months of pregnancy indicate that the fetus may be male, while it is believed that severe and unusual nausea may indicate that the fetus is female.
It is said that severe back pain may be evidence that a woman is pregnant with a boy, while not feeling back pain may indicate that the fetus is female.
The fetal heart rate can be used as an indicator, as it is said that a heartbeat of more than 140 beats per minute means that the fetus is male, and if it is less than that, then the fetus is female.
It is believed that the shape of the abdomen can reveal the sex of the fetus. If the abdomen is bulging forward, this indicates that the fetus is female, and if it is oval, it is believed that the fetus is male.
The size of the left breast compared to the right may also be used to predict the sex of the fetus, as it is believed that a larger left breast than the right indicates that the fetus is female, and vice versa.
Finally, it is said that the beauty and clarity of the skin of a pregnant woman is affected by the sex of the fetus, as it is believed that female pregnancy leads to the appearance of pale and tired skin.

Headaches in pregnant women and fetal gender

Causes of headaches in pregnant women

During pregnancy, women face various health challenges, including headaches, which are mainly caused by hormonal changes. However, it is noted that the severity of headaches may increase in the first three months due to the increased amount of blood flowing in the body.

Many factors related to the daily lifestyle and psychological state of a pregnant woman may contribute to increasing her risk of headaches, including:

– Lack of sufficient hours of sleep, which negatively affects the body.
- Suddenly stopping the consumption of stimulants such as caffeine found in coffee, tea, and soft drinks, which causes withdrawal symptoms.
- Not drinking sufficient amounts of water, which leads to dehydration.
- Feeling stressed, which may make it difficult to experience feelings of anxiety and depression.

Complications of pregnancy headache

During pregnancy, women may experience different types of headaches such as migraines, tension headaches, and cluster headaches. This pain may just be a common symptom but sometimes, it can be an indicator of more serious health problems such as blood vessel problems, bleeding, clotting, cranial hypertension, brain tumors, or even preeclampsia.

It is important to treat headaches during pregnancy with caution. It is advisable for pregnant women who suffer from migraines to avoid medications specific for migraines, and it is preferable to use natural methods of treatment, such as applying warm compresses to the eye and nose area to relieve sinus headaches, or cold compresses to the back of the neck for tension headaches.

It is recommended to maintain blood sugar levels by eating small meals frequently, as well as massaging the areas around the shoulders and neck to relieve pain. Being in a quiet, dark environment, in addition to practicing deep breathing, may help relieve stress and headaches. Taking a warm bath, making sure to rest, and drinking enough fluids to avoid dehydration are also necessary.

As for migraine, it is a headache that may be severe and usually affects one side of the head. It may be accompanied by a feeling of nausea or excessive sensitivity to sound and light. During pregnancy, it may become more severe in the first trimester but it is observed that its frequency often decreases in the later stages of pregnancy.

When can the sex of the fetus be known?

Usually, the fetus's sex can be determined by ultrasound when the mother reaches the eighteenth week of pregnancy. However, this depends on the position of the fetus, which may or may not allow the genitals to be clearly seen; Which may postpone detection until subsequent medical visits.

Viewing the fetus's genitals is crucial evidence for determining the sex, as the appearance of the vaginal labia in the ultrasound image is strong evidence that the fetus is female, while not seeing the penis may not necessarily be conclusive evidence.

The thickness of the mother's abdominal wall and the position of the fetus affect the clarity of the image, and therefore, in some cases, it may not be possible to confirm the sex of the fetus until the advanced months, sometimes until the seventh month.

Pregnancy symptoms and fetal gender

In general societies, there are many perceptions about the factors influencing the determination of the sex of the fetus.

First, severe morning sickness is seen as an indicator of a female pregnancy, based on the belief that the hormones that increase when females become pregnant cause increased nausea, unlike the case with males, where it is believed that there are fewer hormones and therefore less nausea. Research supporting this idea is scarce.

Secondly, there is a myth that pregnant women with boys tend to prefer salty foods such as potato chips, while pregnant women with girls prefer sweet foods such as ice cream and chocolate. Science says that a pregnant woman's nutritional desires reflect her nutritional needs and are consistent with those she finds desirable before the start of her menstrual cycle.

Finally, pregnancy with a female is said to lead to poor skin and hair health, such as acne and coarse hair, while pregnancy with a boy does not cause noticeable changes in appearance. However, scientific studies show that hormonal changes during pregnancy affect the skin and hair of pregnant women, regardless of the sex of the fetus, as more than 90% of them experienced skin and hair changes during this period.

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